S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela: 2018 Events
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Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was held on Sunday the 2nd of December, 2018. This year, the theme of the service was "A King is born". The primary, senior and staff choirs took part in this service. Ven. Perry Brohier, Archdeacon of Colombo was the preacher of the day.
G5 Challenge & Rewards Day
The G5 Challenge gives credit to all the grade 5 students who performed well at the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination. The Rewards Day was introduced for the first time this year to recognise the efforts of the grade one children. Both events were held on 23 October, 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall amidst the primary students, staff and parents.
Ravien excels at Youth Olympic Games 2018
Ravien Dalpatadu of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela beat the world number 3 - Feng Hao of China on his pre quarterfinal with 6-5 on mens recurve 60m archery. He finished 6th in the world in archery and 2nd in Asia after his outstanding performance at the Youth Olympic Games 2018 held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Inter Schools’ Team Chess Tournament – 2018
S. Thomas’ College, Bandarawela warmly welcomed all competitors to the Inter Schools’ Team Chess Tournament – 2018. This tournament was organised by the Sri Lanka Schools' Chess Association and was held at the STCB campus from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th October 2018. The chess team from STC Bandarawela and other teams from distant parts of the island took part in this tournament.
Ravien to represent Sri Lanka at the Youth Olympic Games
Ravien Kavisha Dalpathado
Ravien Kavisha Dalpathado of S. Thomas College Bandarawela has been selected to represent Sri Lanka in Archery at the Youth Olympic Games 2018 which is to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in October 2018. We wish Ravien all the very best!!
"Kalai Vizha" 2018
The annual "Kalai Vizha" programme was held on Saturday, 29th September 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall.
There were numerous speeches, songs and dances that were performed well by the students of the Tamil Literary Association. Two teams also showed off their oratory prowess in the Tamil debating finals. A notable feature was the launching of a short story book by student Ithaf Ahamed.
Dr. M. Vamadevan, Advisor, Ministry of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure & Community Development graced the occasion as the chief guest.
View the "Kalai Vizha" 2018 Programme
Reading Day
The Reading Day was held on the 26th of September 2018. This is an annual event at STC Bandarawela which celebrates and encourages reading. This literacy event is designed to help students develop the literacy foundation they need to become lifelong learners.
Mr. R.M. Ariyadasa, Director, Zonal Education Office, Bandarawela graced the occasion as the chief guest.
Primary School Concert
The Primary School Concert was held on Saturday 22nd September 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall. The hall was filled with parents, staff and well-wishers who were able to witness and appreciate action songs, drama and dance by the primary students.
Ven. S.P. Nesakumar, Headmaster, S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa & Mrs. Shanthi Nesakumar, Deputy Principal, Chundikuli Girls’ College, Jaffna graced the occasion as chief guests.
View the Primary School Concert Programme
STCB Beats STPS at Soccer
The under 17 soccer team of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela (STCB) narrowly beat S. Thomas' Preparatory School (STPS), Kollupitiya at the annual inter-school W.T. Keble Memorial Soccer Tournament held on 22nd September, 2018 in Colombo. The game remained one all by both teams until STCB managed to win through penalties at its closing. The junior team lost to STPS 2 nil.
S. Abisharman of STCB was selected as the "player of the match". The team was led by Shahir Ahmed and coached by Mr. Praba Ganeshan.
Inter-schools Table Tennis Team Championship 2018
The Inter-schools Table Tennis Team Championship 2018 conducted by the Sri Lanka Schools Table Tennis Association was held on August 4th and 5th, 2018 at S. Thomas’ College Indoor Stadium, Mount Lavinia.
The under 12 and under 18 teams of STC Bandarawela did remarkably well and were placed 3rd. The winning team members are as follows:
Under 18: Savith Basanayake, Chanith de Silva, Pansilu Buddadasa, Jayodya Thennakoon and Shevon John.
Under 12: Sanura Adithya, Adeesha Dinal, Okitha Gawarammana and Deshitha Mendis.
The teams were accompanied by Mr. Bertran Weerakoon (MIC) and Mr. Prabath Priyantha (Coach).
Science Exhibition
The Science Exhibition organized by the Science Society of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela was held on the 10th of July 2018.
The chief guest was Dr. Neranjan Dissanayake, MBBS(SL), MD(Medicine), MRCP(UK), MRCP(London), a distinguished old boy of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela and Consultant Respiratory Physician, Respiratory Disease Treatment Unit & District Chest Clinic, Provincial General Hospital, Badulla.
Photographic Excursion to Horton Plains
The Photographic Art Club of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela recently took part in an excursion to Horton Plains. Twelve students along with the Master in Charge, Mr. J.K.C.J.P. Manchanayake took part in this excursion on 7th July 2018. The aim of this excursion was to create an awareness of nature and capture its beauty in all its glory.
Activity Based English Learning Workshop
The grade 13 A/L students and teachers of STC Bandarawela successfully conducted an activity based English learning workshop in Walasbedda Vidyalaya on July 6th, 2018. The workshop was well received by the students of this remote school, located in Demodara. For more details of Walasbedda school, visit https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:406815/FULLTEXT01.pdf and read page 261 on wards (Appendix 3).
Visit to the Uma Oya Project
The grade 12 Engineering and Technology students got the opportunity to visit the Uma Oya multi purpose project on July 3rd, 2018. The children were delighted to witness the development of this project.
Milad-Un-Nabi Celebrations
The Milad-Un-Nabi Celebrations were held on Saturday 23rd June 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall. The event was filled with speeches, songs, debate, dance and drama. The chief guest was Mr. A. Mansoor, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Justice.
International School Award 2017-2020
S. Thomas' College Bandarawela was awarded the International School Award (ISA) 2017-2020 by the British Council. The presentation ceremony took place on Saturday 23rd June 2018 at the Hilton Colombo Residences.
The ISA is an accreditation scheme for curriculum-based international work in schools. Mr. G.B. Aroshana Silva and Mr. Shanon Dason were also recognised for co-ordinating the integration of international learning in the curriculum.
Echoes of the Blues 2018
"Echoes of the Blues 2018" was held on June 16th, 2018. The event was conducted to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Cadet Band and organised by the Old Band Cadet Association of STC Bandarawela. A street parade involving other school bands of Bandarawela also took part.
Group Captain Mahil Chandana Amarasinghe, Director of Performing Arts of the Sri Lanka Air Force graced the occasion as the chief guest.
Seminar for Primary Teachers
A seminar for the primary teachers of STC Bandarawela was held at the Keble Memorial Hall on 2nd June 2018. Three senior teachers, Mrs. R.M. Indrani, Mrs. R.M. Somawathie and Miss. Violet Balage conducted this seminar.
Annual Prize Giving
The annual prize giving was held on the 19th of May, 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall. Revd. Marc Billimoria, Warden, S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia and Mrs. Manisha Billimoria graced the occasion as the chief guests.
Revd Marc Billimoria in his address, spoke on the type of education that needs to be offered at schools such as S. Thomas’. He commenced the subject by mentioning the limitations of the current education system in Sri Lanka and stated the failure of our education theorists in instilling creativity, innovation, critical thinking and free expression. He made mention of the well known speech by Sir Ken Robinson - “Do schools kill creativity?” and asked the audience the same question. He concluded his speech by stressing on the importance of EQ (Emotional Intelligence) over IQ so as to prepare students for life where they become men of integrity with social consciousnesses, where they will think of the other and empathise with the less fortunate, be honest and honourable. Schools, he said, should create the right conditions for wholesome learning so that students will leave the portals to be young men who would make a difference to the community, our nation and to the world in a positive way.
Listen to Reverend Billimoria's speech in full
Read the Headmaster's report and prize list
Watch the muti-media presentation
Easter Musical Worship
The Easter Musical Worship was held on Sunday 13th May, 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall. The Easter message was delivered by Ven. D.K Balakrishnan, Archdeacon of Nuwara Eliya. The primary choir and staff also participated in this service.
View the Easter Musical Worship Programme
Book Donations
The Mathematical Society of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela organised a book donation programme at the Welllawaya Gampaha School and Lemasthota Primary School in the Haldamulla Division on March 23rd 2018.
Seminar for GCE (O/L) Students
A group of undergraduates from the Engineering Faculty of the University of Moratuwa in collaboration with the Mathematical Society of STC Bandarawela conducted a seminar for the present GCE (O/L) students at the Keble Memorial Hall on March 16th, 2018.
Uva Thomian Cricket Encounter
The Uva Thomian Cricket Encounter (UTCE) was held on Saturday the 3rd of March 2018 at S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa Grounds. The attire of S. Thomas’ College Bandarawela team was a gift from the 2001 batch.
S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa winning the toss and deciding to bat were all out in 26 overs with a score of 107 and S. Thomas’ College, Bandarawela won the match with 108 runs in 14 overs loosing 4 wickets.
Mr. Sudath Masinghe Senior Superintendent of Police, Bandarawela graced the UTCE as the chief guest.
Primary Sports Meet
The Primary School Sports Meet was held on Wednesday 28th February 2018 at 9.00 am at the college grounds. The chief guest was Revd. Shiwantha Rodrigo, Principal, Our Lady's School, Nuwara Eliya. In addition to the popular races and relays, the students from the primary took part in a parade, drill display and gymnastics.
View the Primary Sports Meet programme
English Day 2018
The English Day was held on 24th February 2018 at the Keble Memorial Hall. It was a day filled with fine performances in English through speeches, recitations, drama and songs. The English literary magazine "Pegasus" was also published and distributed.
The chief guests were Dr. E.A. Gamini Fonseka, BA (Kelaniya), MA (Edinburgh), PhD (Vaasa) - Senior Professor of English, Department of English & Linguistics, University of Ruhuna and Mrs. Fonseka.
View more photos of the English Day >>
View the English Day programme
Annual Inter House Sports Meet
The Annual Inter House Sports Meet was held on Friday, 2nd February 2018 at 2.00 pm at the College Grounds.
Captain K.S.P Banagoda, RSP, PG Dip in HRM, MBA in HRM, psc, Head of Training - Naval Wing, Defence Services Command and Staff College; and Mrs. Anusha Banagoda graced the occasion as Chief Guests.
View the sports meet programme
Inter House Road Race
The inter house road race was held on Friday 26th January 2018 and commenced from the school gate. A total of 80 students participated at this race and it was encouraging to note that all participants made it to the finish line.
Ravindu Yasas from Desaram house became first while Arun Prakash of Desaram and Raveen Adithya from Keble became 2nd and 3rd. The winning teams were as follows:
1st Place Keble
2nd Place Hayman
3rd Place Hulugalla
4th Place Desaram
Mr. Sudath Masinghe Senior Superintendent of Police, Bandarawela assisted in the start of the Road Race and gave away the prizes.
76th Founder's Day
The 76th Founder’s Day Service was held in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd at S. Thomas’ College, Bandarawela on Friday the 19th of January 2018. The Holy Eucharist Service was celebrated by Ven. S.P. Nesakumar, Headmaster, S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa.
A tree planting ceremony and school assembly was held to commemorate the founder's day.
Sri Lanka Robotics Challenge
The Sri Lanka Robotics Challenge (SLRC) 2017 was held at the University of Moratuwa on January 13, 2018. A total of 21 members from the Robotics Club of S. Thomas' College, Bandarawela took part in this contest. The SLRC was organised by the E-Club of the University of Moratuwa for the 6th consecutive year.
Introducing Students to Google Code-in
The senior students of S. Thomas’ College, Bandarawela were introduced to Google Code-in by Mr. Madushanka Padmal an undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa on January 5th, 2018. Mr. Padmal is also a Google Summer of Code 17 (GsoC) student and member of FOSSASIA.
Google Code-in is a contest that introduces pre-university students (ages 13 to 17) to open source and give them an opportunity to become part of the open source community by working on a real-world software project.